Friday, February 22, 2008

My first time BLOGging~

Hey! I m kinda excited now since I have finally starting to blog for the 1st time =) Wanted to blog since Oct but I postponed my idea to Dec due to SPM. Was lazy during Dec, working through Jan and I have finally starting to blog since I got fired from my previous job and nothing to do at the moment. I am kinda tired of playing games, with so many free time what else can I do? so I blog lo! I guess you guys will understand why I name my blog as LCD displayer after reading the header so I dont have to explain it anymore =X I will not update this blog daily unless something interesting that is worth to jot down really happens daily so ... dont really have to see this place often but do tell me how you feel about what I've done so that I know whether its right or wrong =) I love to read blogs about others too cause its fun to know more about people around you( or maybe earthlings that stay on the same earth as me). Gonna change my life back to normal now so I have to sleep early from now on. Good night blog~

C=_=D, CD *switches off LCD displayer*~

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