Even with your trials around the corner and my mum trying to stop me from going out too often, It seems that our urge to meet each other is strong enough to overcome these obstacles.
Today is our 9th month annithversary and I am really happy that we are still together because maintaining a relationship is not easy.
Thank you for:
always forgiving me when I m forgetful,
saying that you didnt wait long enough whenever I m late for our date,
smiling infront of me when you saw me,
there are too much to be said but I would like to leave the most important for the last,
for being the one I love.
From today onwards, me and you share the same couple of teddies and my teddy reminds me of you =)
A teddy with 'DEE' =D
(faster upload your teddy in here ^^)
You gave me three cute cupcakes that I really love because its from you and I gonna blame you if I get diabetes xD (joking!~)
So cute till I wanna keep it forever~
I like the 1 from the right =)
Happy 9 month annithversary for being together my dear. I wish you will be my first and my last thoughout my life and I will be able to hold your hands till my last breath.
I love you my dear! <3
(I wanna be the one that can make you happy always*)
C=_=D, CD
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