Thursday, October 8, 2009

Human Chemistry

Recently, inspired by the 2 birthday stars, I have thought of human chemistry that explains what does everyone's name mean.

PA(Pengajian Am)+ ME(self-love)+ (1/2)LA = PAMELA

RACE+ H(height) +L(Length) = RACHEL

MICELLE(oil droplets)+ H(Height)= MICHELLE

DO(he chosed to do it)+ MINI(small)+ C(could be cash, car or credit car)= DOMINIC

KEN(1/2 of the Kenya West sarcastic properties) +TRICK(trick player)= KENTRICK

Too bad I dont have any english name yet. =(

Chemistry do happens in between human.
For example, take Rachel and Michelle.

Rachel + Michelle ----> 2(chel) + (MiRacle - c)
Chel is definitely the similarity that they share and they are celebrating their birthday together on OCT 9th at Italiannies, the Curve!
... which is tomorrow. 'Washing clothes' after that? still dont know.

p/s: dont take the equation seriously.

BTW, I realised that I have been able to focus more and my memory is growing. Could this be what I think it is?

C=_=D, CD


Pamela said...

omg chong de, you really have got nothing better to do.
and i hope you're as good in chemistry equations.

by the way, are you trying to say that i'm a person who loves myself A LOT with good general knowledge? hahaha.

CD said...

This is quite interesting ok. maybe someday when I m good at it i can predict some1's attitude with it xD just bullshitting~

Oh ya, didnt know that u have quite good general knowledge.